Saturday, June 02, 2007

eTwinning Podcasting Workshop

The room is full of aspiring broadcasters itching to learn about Podcasting from Nick Folk. He's told us the aim is to produce a small podcast by the end of the session. Loudblog is the first tool we are shown and it seems very easy to upload your podcasts to there.

We get a chance to listen to the podcasts created during the earlier workshop and they are very very good. I wonder how many of that or indeed this group ever thought they'd be worldwide broadcasters by the end of the day.

The inimitable Audacity is a starting point for the next part, most of the group have used this package before, so Nick is showing us how to use it quickly. Nick makes Audacity seem so easy to use - I wish I could have his style when trying to show my students how to use it.

We've got a wee while to create our own project which I look forward to uploading onto the Internet later.

I find it incredible that podcasting is now so de rigeur to many teachers. It's down to free, easy to use packages like Audacity that this has become possible.

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